PGCS Omicron II
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Welcome Aboard the Omicron

Omicron, the fifteenth letter of the ancient Greek alphabet, and the name chosen for one of Pan Galactic's most noteworthy vessels dating back to the earlier days of the mega-corporation. She was the pride and joy of PGC and has finally been retired, taking residence within the PGC Museum of Frontier History.

Her replacement is an updated design based loosely on the original design, albeit much smaller and faster. Her mission is long term exploration, designed to map the outer Frontier systems with the intent of charting the Sathar homeworlds. Withthis in mind, she has been outfitted with prototype experimental radar jamming equipment, which will be field tested in a less diabolical yet hostile environment...namely charting the Vast Freehold, home systems of the piracy ring.


Board the Omicron here (link not extablished yet)